Well! In a year that's mostly been too boring for words, we finally have our only president telling us what we already knew and what he should have said anyway, anybody ought to be able to marry the man or woman they love: same, opposite, whatever.
I've got the White House in my Google Plus stream (oh, don't hate, it's a nice place) so I'd seen it go by. Yay! About time.
Since it's, you know, sensible, I didn't think to question why now except to note that something about the Republicans was finally winding down. It'd be a safe bet, and it would get lost in you know, the fact that it's obvious and we're busy trying to get the economy back on line and end our stupid little wars. You know, grown up stuff.
And honestly, I think I'm right. All I saw from my neo-con buddies was the same old LIBAERALS BAD. Nothing about Obama except the professional Big C conservatives (Hi, Mark! How's business?) who make money separating the fools from their money in the form of bumper stickers and daily affirmations.
I'm sorry to have to break it to you, regressives, but you're on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of demographics, and the wrong side of wrong. The younger Repubs just don't care, and the ones with the money can see that, so they're not pushing it that hard.
So really, no big deal. Until I hear that some folks are trying to resuscitate that dead horse, the "Joe Biden gaffe". One fellow goes so far as to demand, DEMAND that Joe be replaced by da Hilz*
Oh, the humanity. Seriously people, grow up.
Every four years we get the Worst VP Candidate Ever. There is no good selection "process". We'd almost do better to go back to the Original Concept and just take whoever comes in second for prez in the Electoral College.
*Yeah, I'm gonna totally call her that, she's earned a nickname.
Yeah, that'll help efficiency. A weekly "What I did at work last week"
essay [Stupid]
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1 hour ago