From here:
Here's how it works, if you want to know. If you agree with a candidate, he gets point(s). If you disagree, take point(s) away. Unkown/other results in no points. The number of points given or taken depends on the weight you set. "Meh" is worth 1 point, "important" 2, and "key" is worth 5. The items you disagree about will be listed directly underneath each candidate (if they score greater than zero).
Kucinich 71 No Child Left Behind, Border Fence
Gravel 68 (you have no disagreements with this candidate)
Obama 46 Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage
Edwards 42 Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage
Clinton 39 Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage
Richardson 38 Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage
Biden 38 Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage
Dodd 37 Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action
Paul 19 Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare
Cox -15
McCain -29
Thompson -30
Giuliani -37
Brownback -41
Huckabee -54
Tancredo -64
Romney -69
Hunter -82
Kremlin employee who runs the FBI also given reins of the ATF [Scary]
[image: Scary] [link] [5 comments]
38 minutes ago
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