Saturday, October 24, 2009

There's my guy!

Oh, finally an issue of substance!  Here I was afraid I'd have to talk about Faust News - Your Voice For Evil© and their War Against the White House Lies About Us - Yes, It's All About US!

No, on the slightly less important stage of world events, we have the Battle of the Vice Presidents, specifically Mr*. Cheney and my man, VP Joe.

Mr. Cheney's apparently upset that the bloodshed hasn't been more bloody - President Obama is apparently "emboldening our enemies" by thinking before he acts.

The Vice President's response? "Who cares?"  My thoughts exactly.

Now stopping right there, I think that's all that need be said.  Cheney and daughter(s) can argue all day long that this think tank and that group and these "observers" agree with everything they have to say - but that doesn't make it true.  Cheney spent a whole lot of time setting up the "Team B" charade.  Remember we have to know the message and the messenger(s).

But, Joe being Joe, he didn't stop there:
Asked what he thought about criticisms former Vice President Cheney had made about the Obama administration, Vice President Joe Biden told reporters “Who cares what – ” and then stopped himself.
“Yeah, yeah, I can see the headline now,” Mr. Biden said. “I’m getting better, guys. I’m getting a little better, you know what I mean?”

Hee!  So now the news isn't about Joe opening his mouth, but closing it.  The rest of the conversation is worth a read, too.  Upshot: The President asked me to go to Afghanistan and come back and tell him what I thought.  I did.  He may take my advice, he may not.  That's ok. He's the President.

Then further down, my Joe is back, talking about a little dust up over the change in missile defense last month: “Could it have been done better? Yeah. Obviously it could have been done better.”

Translation: the story is what's changed for the better, now how you feel about it now, press corps.

*I understand, but don't follow, the convention of addressing or referencing former office holders by their last title.  Mr. Cheney is Mr. Cheney. Mr. Clinton is Mr. Clinton.  Well, I do make an exception for General Reno, but that's just because I like saying it.

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