Sunday, March 29, 2009

She wouldn't last one season on ST:TNG

We're still talking about Michelle Obama's arms?  Seriously?  I had to double check the date on the latest tome on the subject from the L.A. Times.  A fitness expert is quoted as saying:

...strong legs and a flat belly are often interpreted as sexy features on a woman, bulging biceps . . . not so much. "It crosses the boundary from having sexy, toned arms to having arms that display, 'Hey, I'm working on being strong.' " Banet-Weiser says. "The evidence of that work . . . is quite threatening."

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...

Q: How do you tell the First Lady from her security detail?
A: She's the intimidating one.

..and I'm done. This is pretty silly.

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