Monday, May 25, 2009

Let Joe be Joe!

I have to admit to a soft spot for Joe Biden. I didn't know beans about him until he was the vee-pee-nominee, but I liked what I read for the most part. Smart guy, thinks about stuff, votes in the main the way I like.

But I love, love, love the gaffes. I really do. It's the absolutely necessary chaos factor in an otherwise perfectly orderly administration.

How could you not love this?

Biden tried to reassure gun owners that Obama had no plans to institute new laws that would restrict their access to firearms by telling them, “I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey.” He added, “If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.”

Beautiful! He's saying what a bunch of people in the country think. So what if aides have to scramble to clarify? They shouldn't be clarifying his remarks, they should be clarifying the administration's policies.

Oh and so what about the undisclosed location? Do you really think the Secret Service and all the might of the country can't keep him safe? He's traveling to the Balkans and Lebanon, for pete's sake.

I say, let Joe be Joe. Say it like it is, man.

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