Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Hero

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I first caught Eddie Izzard on late night HBO.  They were showing "Dress to Kill" and I just about died laughing.  Now I have almost all of his DVDs and some audio from his earlier days.

Recently I saw a headling on Fark regarding him running for political office.  I thought, "but what can he do here?  We've already got the Governator".

Turns out he was on a listening gig in his home district to try to become a Member of Parliament - the EU, to be precise.

He's always been a fan of countries and peoples getting together.  I'm sure it's from his background: born in Yemen, lived in Wales, Ireland, and five or six other places.  He's learned other languages in order to do his gig in the native language of whatever country he's in. 

He's also got strong opinions on poverty:

I believe in a level playing field for humanity. If I could tell the politicians one thing, it would be: drop the debt. Nigeria borrowed £5bn, it's paid back £16bn, and it still owes £32bn. That's not debt, that's loan sharking.
So here's to Eddie Izzard.  May all your dreams come true.

Eddie's marathon site
News about the marathon:

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