Saturday, March 20, 2010

Government Is A Problem; Government Is A Solution

Not really. Government simply is.  It's a tool that can be used for good or for evil.  Nattering on about "the government" is just talking about yourself, because you, me, and several multi-national corporations are the government.

Kiplinger's has a fine essay on the futility of arguing over "Big Government".
In short, we want the government to be there when we need it, whether it’s to rescue the financial system or to plow snow covered streets. But when government is inefficient and wasteful -- or doing something we don’t believe is wise or critical -- then it’s a different story.
*Source: Kiplinger

The elephant in the room is the multinational coporations, which have been given carte blanche to do what they will in terms of spending on elections.  Supporters to a man say that a corporation is a person, and can't be denied the right to speak.

Well, that all sounds good in theory.  As Dad used to say: "Everything works in theory".

The counter-argument is that it's easier to organize money than it is to organize people.  Who's got the money? The corporations.  It gets you media buys, billboards, flyers, etc.

People gets you people.  They have limited money, limited time, and they aren't usually able to hire out PR agents or bundle bribes contributions to legislators.

Now here's a fun option: Google TV ads could potentially be a leveller.  I wonder if we could have flash ads, like we do flash mobs?

But that's all flash and glitter.  What the people in the country need is information that's correct, that's put together, and that shines a light on what's really going on.  We need to connect the dots.

More on that later.

*Sorry about any rendering or ads, it was required by Kiplinger.

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